abby fountain
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writer + photographer

Abby Fountain


Hiya. I’m a photographer and writer, originally from Florida, now based in Colorado. I work with people from all walks of life to take photos and tell stories that capture and communicate the authentic spirit of what they love - be it their business, their family, their brand, or themselves.




JAN' 2024

Northshore on O’ahu, Hawaii


With generational roots deeply embedded in the sandy Florida soil, I’m not thrilled with temperatures below 60. Gratefully, my husband’s parents like to escape the Indiana cold and invited us to O’ahu with them for Christmas. For this, I am eternally grateful. We stayed between family and friends and tried to do Hawaii on the cheap, which was almost impossible had it not been for Foodland’s poke bowls.



Lisa Yoga-174.jpg

FEB' 24


From Hawaii, we went to Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos to continue our snowy escape. We traveled on a budget, taking slow, public ferries to and from many of these destinations. Gratefully we learned that the most interesting people take the slow ferries, like the gents pictured here. We met amazing people, including another entrepreneur, Lisa, who teaches yoga in Bali, Indonesia and was down for a fun photoshoot on the beach.




MAR' 24

My first engagement shoot, their first engagement. Fort Collins, Colorado.


When I moved to Denver in 2015, I had a gig as a music writer for 303 Magazine. I was terrible at it. I honestly didn’t know much about music and took the job because it paid in concert tickets. Now, I’m married to a full-time musician (not the one pictured) and falling in love with concert photography. During my first concert photography gig, I noticed there was no coaching, no interaction with the subjects, and almost no multi-tasking on my part. I got behind the lens and dropped in.

Engagement shoots are the foil to live music shoots - there’s a lot of coaching, multitasking, and thinking about the next scene, pose, and facial expression. Some dear friends (pictured above) got engaged this March and asked me to take their engagement photos (honored and intimidated). Gratefully, they are silly and fun and created the perfect scenario for me to stumble through my first engagement photoshoot. 10/10 would do it again.